For the sandwich aficionado, the search for the best of the best is not as easy as one might expect. The category seems dismissed as minor foodfare and an avid sandwich lover is stuck with endless google searches to find the ‘finest’ in a location they can patronize. This website/app will allow the user to locate the absolute best sandwich in each state of the US. It will also provide a forum for sandwich lovers to share where they had their best sandwich experience.
- The user will be able to access information to find the location of the best sandwich in each state.
- The user will be able to vote on their favorite sandwich type.
- The user will be able to add their best sandwich experience to the database so other sandwich lovers can search it.
- We will utilize React Bootstrap to stylize the look of the website.
- The main page will have 50 cards with the best sandwich images from each state.
- The user will be able to vote on which type of sandwich is their personal favorite.
- The user will be able to fill out a form which allows them to submit a ‘best sandwich’ experience to the database.
- The user can access an ‘About Us’ page to learn about the creaters of the site.
- We will use Mongo Database for sandwich data.
- We will use Netlify to deploy the site.